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"And Cut! ...Let's Try This One More Time!" |
I'm sure I'm not the first, and actually, I really hope I'm not the only:
I call bullshit.
Sure there's a lot of that on TV and everywhere, but enough is enough: When the most ambitious people on Earth put on a front that they are not, that's is simply PR and somebody has to say something before this takes even a greater psychic toll than it already has.
In fact, as a friend recently pointed out, the main job of PR is to make very ambitious types look less ambitious: To take the burgeoning starlet who gave favors (of all degrees) to bring producers and others to their showcases while struggling in oblivion, and make them seem on the Letterman couch that they'd rather be with the girls back in high school.
"Oh, this Hollywood thing..."
The only truth that can gleaned from the moment is that some of the ladies on stage wanted to share the moment with the winner.
Martha Plimpton is said to have spread the word via Twitter. "Amy has an idea..." From there, they decided to do it.
So which is it? A brilliant moment of inspiration or a rehearsed bit?
Being an awards show, where writers stand backstage scribbling jokes and moments later are sputtered by host, this twittering is only a degree less coordinated than the dance numbers.
I have seen less choreographed Wrestlemanias.
And the shot when Poehler stood up? Where was the camera, in Will Arnett's bow-tie?
Where did that tiara come from? How did that pageant theme evolve from such a moment of a spontaneity?
I believe one actress can have a moment of inspiration. I even believe two actresses can talk about doing something for years and at the moment they say "fuck it" and do it.
I don't believe six actresses nominated for the same Emmy category without the intervention of God or even Oprah could agree on the same wine for the sangria never mind this bit.
If it be inspiration, then do it, but don't pass off a staged event as something other than that. Why is Martha Plimpton twittering about the "idea" again, (I can't resist), this is more preparation than most TV shows put into the series finale?
They twittered each other, yes, but you better believe that they called their agents, their PR person and the producers of the show to make sure that this wouldn't be construed as anything but positive.
Had Poehler gone up and stayed on stage by herself, putting herself out there to be judged by some as "stealing the winner's thunder" or "weird" or as a performer "Okay, that bit went on too much"; if she and the other brilliant ladies of solidarity, had individually made a statement a la Jim Carrey- he lampoons the event, his fellow nominees like Nick Nolte grit their teeth or feign an approving laugh- then join the chorus of "brilliant!"
But this is only a shade less severe and manipulative than someone going up to the podium and saying "We're all winners...Women of comedy unite!" and calling them all on stage to hold hands.
This is marketing for these individuals' future films and shows and award nominations.
And when people call upon PR what does that say about their cause?
If they think Emmys are bullshit, then insist by contract that the networks never mention the nominations when advertising the show; insist when giving a commencement address that the College Dean not call them "three-time Emmy nominee."
And what does it say about comediennes who would hold hands with the others? They love "Mike and Molly"? Whatever happened to shitting on each other and mocking their work but privately love it? What has now emerged is " I love this woman, my peer..."...but (behind a hand) "her show sucks."
"But it's about supporting other women..."
Yes, five other women. The 3.1 billion others, I think, like everyone else is no better because of this display of horseshit...
Make the scripted look spontaneous, the insincere as austere and rivalry as solidarity.
Ah, TV...